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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a natural healthcare approach that removes tension from the nervous system by correcting spinal alignment. Many health issues can arise when there is tension on the nerves—and these issues don’t crop up overnight. Over time, muscles tighten and bones shift, and eventually, you experience pain, decreased range of motion, fatigue or other symptoms.

At Discover Wellness Chiropractic Center, we locate the areas of misalignment and apply specific adjustments to the bones of the spine to restore your proper formation and foundation.

When you have a strong foundation, everything builds upon it as it should, and your structure won’t be off-kilter. To use an analogy, if the wheels on your car are out of alignment, your tires will wear unevenly. Similarly, if your body is out of alignment, your spine will wear unevenly—and while you can replace your tires, you can’t replace your spine! So it’s important to keep it positioned optimally.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Most people seek chiropractic care for pain relief, and it is an excellent natural approach to relieving musculoskeletal pain. Chiropractic care also improves range of motion, eases stress and promotes calm. When your nervous system is free from interference, your muscles are less tense, you feel more relaxed, and your whole body can function at a higher level.

Our practice members have experienced relief from various symptoms, including:

  • Anxiety & Stress
  • Back pain
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Low back pain & Sciatica
  • Muscle stiffness and soreness

Our Techniques

Dr. Michael offers a variety of adjusting techniques, so he can tailor care to each practice member’s individual needs. Our primary adjusting techniques are

  • Activator Methods®: Instrument-assisted adjusting that delivers impulses to the muscles to relax the muscles and do the adjustment.
  • Diversified: Hands-on adjusting that is beneficial for most practice members, except those with certain types of injuries or osteoarthritis.
  • Flexion Distraction: Adjusting technique that stretches the lower back to reduce pressure on the discs and nerves.

Get Started Today

Just as symptoms don’t appear overnight, healing also takes time. The sooner you start, the sooner you can feel better! Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Chiropractic Care | (215) 368-7771